COVID Case Update PCAP2021

June 21st, 2021; Podcast-A-Palooza COVID-19 Health & Safety

Podcast-A-Palooza® (PCAP) recognizes COVID-19 has had broad and lasting effects on how all in-person events can safely be conducted. PCAP understands management of future events will be critical to ensure the safety of all participants and staff. PCAP remains unfailingly dedicated to the sexual, physical, and mental health of our attendees.

COVID Management

We are happy to announce that the impact of COVID19 on our Miami PCAP2021 event was minimal. We followed all local and state requirements for the safe practice of COVID19 protocols, coupled with our own COVID policies (refer to our previous update here).

A large percentage of our attendees at PCAP2021 were vaccinated, over and above the state and country statistics. In the lead up to the event we monitored our attendees COVID status as well as leading a group discussion in our mobile app about COVID protocols, vaccinations, and safe practice.

At the conclusion of the event, we continued to monitor the situation through our mobile app and email distribution list. We were notified of four (4) attendees who contracted a cold during their time in Miami, all these attendees immediately isolated, tested for COVID19 and were found to be negative.

Our PCAP2021 event in Miami had zero COVID19 cases.

We continued to follow up in the weeks after the event took place and as of today, one month later, we have received no notification of positive COVID cases.

We want to take a moment to thank our attendees, the hotel staff and all of our contractors/vendors for keeping our event safe and being transparent with their status.

If you have any questions about our COVID protocols please do not hesitate to reach out to the Podcast-A-Palooza team on

Best Regards,
